
Need our help with something related to wastewater?

Worker flushing water in road

Who owns what?

Find out which pipes belong to you and which belong to us. Worried about a blockage? We might be able to help with that.

My responsibility
Worker flushing water in the street

Report a problem

Whatever the issue – leaks, bursts, or blockages - our team will be able to help.

Tell us about the problem

Using your sewers correctly

It probably sounds like common sense, but every day our operators at our 655 wastewater treatment works have to deal with the consequences of people not using the sewers as they are designed. Flushing weird and wonderful items, and pouring fats, oils and grease down the drains, drastically increases the risk of blockages, damage and storm overflow events - everything we work hard to avoid.

How can you help?

The average size of your sewers is 15cm wide. They are perfectly designed to transport all wastewater, pee, poo, and toilet paper. But unfortunately, these aren’t the only things we find down there…

How can you help? image

The journey of wastewater

From your drain to the sea, the journey of wastewater is incredibly interesting. We care for it every step of the way, making sure it's pumped up and down hills, treated to nationally recognised standards, before releasing into rivers or the sea. It takes incredible skill and expertise along the way - we couldn't do it without our amazing people.

From drain to sea

Find out what happens to your wastewater after it gurgles down the plughole.

From drain to sea image

What's involved?

Our skilled technicians, engineers and contractors are responsible for the management, maintenance, operation and performance of our sewerage network. To keep treating the amount of wastewater we do, they need to maintain over 14,000 miles of pipes and optimise the pumping stations that help all that wastewater travel up and down our famous hills. Not forgetting, of course, the 655 wastewater treatment works which all need maintaing and updating to modern standards.

of sewage treated every day
of sewers
pumping stations
wastewater treatment works
Waste water treatment settling phase
Our wastewater network

Wastewater treatment

Whether it’s the surface water that runs off roofs, roads and driveways, to the wastewater that comes from your toilets, sinks, showers, and pools (foul sewage) – whatever comes into our network needs to be treated.
Picture of works to separate sewers
Our wastewater network


Did you know that the largest of our sewers are over a metre wide, and the smallest is only 10cm wide? Unlike in the movies, the average size of our sewers is only 15cm wide. That’s why we’re so keen to keep them clear of wipes and fats, oils and grease.


Satellite picture of building estate
Our wastewater network

Pumping stations

It’s no secret that the South West is hilly! As such, sewage is moved through the network either by gravity (when going downhill) or pumping (when going uphill). Therefore, keeping our pumping stations in excellent condition is vital to moving sewage from homes and businesses to our treatment works.
Picture of an aeration system
Our wastewater network

Wastewater treatment works

Our region is dotted with rural villages and hamlets, all of which produce sewage. Transporting sewage is not very energy-efficient, so to avoid this, wastewater treatment works were built to serve specific communities. That’s why we have so many to look after today.

Planned improvements - our responsibility to you and the environment

Day-to-day, we’re busy unblocking and fixing pipework, cleaning filters, processing sludge, running campaigns like ‘Sewer Misuse Campaign’ and much more.

We also have bigger plans afoot to improve our network to meet strict legislation and our environmental responsibilities.

By 2050 we will have achieved:

surface water removed
of storage added
sewers upgraded
treatment works upgraded

To do this, we’ve split the region into 22 catchments. Each area has a specific plan of improvements and upgrades that we’ll be working on with our various partners like Highways, Local Authorities, Housing Associations and the Environment Agency. Together, we’ll deliver solutions that benefit everyone.

Our plans for your wastewater