
Not registered with MyAccount yet?

MyAccount is the fast and easy way to manage your water account. It takes only a few moments to set up – you just need your customer number, postcode and second name.

Register for MyAccount

What you can do with MyAccount

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Manage your account

Change your password or details any time, any place - without having to make a phone call.

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Billing and Payments

Instant access to your billing history and statements for ease of reference.

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Ways to pay your bill

MyAccount lets you pay your bill securely, in an instant –  no delays and no fuss.

Extra features available if you have a water meter

If you already have a water meter, you'll be able to use some extra features within MyAccount. Learn more about how much water you're using each month and compare your current usage to the previous 12 month period (if applicable).

Water meter icon

Track your water usage

Changes to your household? Trying to use less water? See how it impacts your usage figures here.

Water meter icon

Submit a meter reading

Meter readings enable us to give you an accurate bill – share your reading and receive an interim statement.

Are you new to the area?

Switch to a meter

There are loads of benefits by being on a meter, the majority of customers will save money by switching to a meter.

Switch to a meter image

Additional support we can offer

2 South West Water employees walking down a residential road smiling

Priority Services

A helping hand is sometimes just what we need, and our practical help aims to support you so you can still manage your account the way you want to. So if there's something you're struggling to do, let us know.

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A lady looking stressed with a calculator next to her

Financial support

We have a wide range of different support, and we'll make sure you're matched with the right help at the right time. Just get in touch to start putting your money worries behind you.

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